Sea Freight Air Freight Warehouse & Distribution Project Management

We are experienced in all aspects of Import, Export and Customs Clearance.


Having a team with years of experience in the field and a proven track record, we can comfortably say " AG Logistik is your forwarder of choice."


Shipments come in all different shapes and sizes. We take care of any type of shipment. Submit an inquiry directly with our  online form.


Check our articles for your trusted supply chain and logistics resources and increase your knowledge.

Contact Us

Harmoni Plaza Blok G5, Jakarta Pusat
Tlp (021) 6386 6968,
Fax (021) 6386 6186

About AG Logistik

With extensive operations throughout Indonesia, AG Logistik is uniquely placed to partner companies in leveraging the value inherent in their supply chains. By positioning ourselves as an extension of a clients’ business - building our clients’ brands alongside our own - we are co-collaborators in unlocking the competitive advantage contained in complex and dynamic logistics environments.

Our Clients

Enjoying excellent relationships with clients across diverse range of sectors, AGLogistik enables businesses to continue to invest and grow in the region by securing excellent shipping rates and offering seamless local connectivity.

Our complete logistics service offer, allows clients to benefit from seamless management resulting in faster arrival to point of sale and more sustainable transportation that minimises freight transport on major routes.

We are ready to industry 4.0

About AG Logistik

PT Anugerah Global Logistik is uniquely placed to partner companies in leveraging the value inherent in their supply chains.

We are co-collaborators in unlocking the competitive advantage contained in complex and dynamic logistics environments.


14 April 2022
28 June 2021


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